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The most effective time to do 3D/4D Ultrasound in Mississauga & Oakville.

February 25, 2015

What we offer to make your experience worthwhile:

Several factors are involved in obtaining the highest quality in 3D imagery. 3D BabyVision – 3D Ultrasound Mississauga/Oakville uses state-of-the-art technology with adjoining experienced sonographors in 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound in attaining superior images of the baby.

What action promotes the clarity of 3D photos?

Baby’s Position: 3D BabyVision – 3D Ultrasound Mississauga/Oakville has a proven track record of obtain the most elite imagery. If the baby is immobile that particular day, we will rebook you at no extra cost!

Tissue Development: Sometimes coming too early or too late for 3D/4D ultrasound during your trimesters can significantly reduce the quality of the imagery (see when the OPTIMAL time to come in for 3D ultrasound below).

Baby’s attentiveness: It is highly recommended to drink something cold and sweet prior to your 3D ultrasound scan. This help to get the baby in motion so our skilled sonographers can obtain the best photos.

When’s the BEST time for 3D ultrasound?

The optimal time for 3D/4D ultrasound keepsake photos is between 26-32 weeks. However, we can obtain gender determination in as early as 18 weeks. Many expecting mothers decide to come a different stages of their baby’s development so they can see the salient growth stages. If you are expecting twins, 3D BabyVision – 3D Ultrasound Oakville & Mississauga recommends to procure an ultrasound during the pregnancy period of 20-24 weeks.

Call us at (905) 337-9995 or visit us online at www.3d-baby.cafor additional information.